Help with Bankruptcy Auto Loans in Capitol Heights
August 24, 2016
Carsmart Now can help with bankruptcy auto loans in Capitol Heights. Bankruptcy can happen to anyone. It is initially an expensive process – but not one as expensive as extricating oneself from an overwhelming load of debt that exceeds all reasonable expectation of being able to pay.
There are two common types of bankruptcy. The first is a Chapter Seven bankruptcy. This is where part of your estate is liquidated (sold) to defray at least a part of your debt. Under Chapter Seven, you will be allowed to keep certain items; but not all of your possessions. It is a way for consumers to clear off excessive credit card debt, oversized medical bills, and similar types of debt. If you have secured loans, such as a vehicle or a home, you can make arrangements with the creditor, or allow those things to be repossessed. The second common type of bankruptcy is a Chapter 13, sometimes called the wage-earner bankruptcy. You must have a viable source of income in order to qualify for it. In this type, the wage earner makes a minimum monthly payment on his or her debt. Secured loans, such as a mortgage or car payment, can be negotiated with the original lender. Each of these has special rules for acquiring additional debt, such as an automobile loan for essential transportation. CarSmart Now has a staff of financial advisors who can help walk you through the qualification process.
If you need help with bankruptcy loans in Capitol Heights, give CarSmart Now a call at (888)292-8115 to set up an appointment with one of our financial counselors. We understand that life can give anyone some pretty big speed bumps along the way. We are here to help you gain the transportation you need to get back on your feet.
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