Used Car Tips in Forestville
October 3, 2016
CarSmart Now has some buying used car tips in Forestville. While it can be very pleasant to purchase and drive a vehicle that has not been driven by anyone else before, there are some distinct advantages to purchasing a low-mileage, gently used vehicle. Or at least, a used vehicle that is in good repair.
When you buy a used car, your purchase dollars are not as immediately depreciated. The value of a new car is depreciated almost as soon as you drive it off the floor – not anyone’s favorite reward for buying new. New cars usually have higher purchase prices than used cars, and therefore will require payment of higher sales tax. As if that weren’t enough, they also usually have a higher insurance payment associated with them. Now, if those savings aren’t sufficient to make buying a used car practical, here are some other things to think about. In the last five years, many new car models have contained parts that caused the vehicles to be recalled. Usually the recall only requires a small modification of the computer programming (yes, that’s right: computer programming in your vehicle), or the replacement of a part. But sometimes those parts can be a something major, such as a transmission. Used vehicles should have been through that recall and replace process already, sparing you the inconvenience – or the surprise of discovering a factory defect.
Carsmart Now has many used car tips in Forestville, just give us a call at (888)292-8115 and we will be happy to share them with you. Better yet, you can use our handy online search tool to look at thousands of vehicles from the comfort of your home or from anywhere that has an Internet connection.
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