Buying Used Cars in Woodmore
October 20, 2016
CarSmart Now can help when you are buying used cars in Woodmore. Some people might think that there is something wrong with buying a used car – they want that new-car smell to their vehicle when they take it out for the first time. But there is a price for that new car smell – and it includes more than the new-car price tag.
First of all, there is depreciation. A new car will depreciate 19% in the first year that you own it. Next, there is sales tax. Obviously, if you are paying a new-car price, you can bet that the sales tax is going to be commensurately costly, since it is based on a percentage of the purchase price. Finally, the insurance on a new car is also going to be more costly than the fee for a new vehicle. Now, if all of those things are not enough to argue for the wisdom of buying a used car, consider this: have you seen the news in the last few years articles about all the recalls of brand-new vehicles? Imagine, just for a minute, driving a new-fangled, super-geared sporty sedan that stalls out on the freeway during rush hour traffic. A used vehicle has already been through the recalls, the road testing and had the potential kinks worked out of it.
CarSmart Now can help when you are buying used cars in Woodmore, just give us a call at (888)292-8115. We have thousands of vehicles from which you can select the one that fits your life-style and budget. Buying a used vehicle doesn’t necessarily mean having to settle for less – sometimes it can even mean having something more than you expected. We have the selection that will help you select the right car for you.
Car smart is the best, I was in an out in less then two hour an my salesman ( Daunte) made me feel like a family member who gave me a car